v 2.1.0 – 26 Mar, 2010, download for mobile phones:jad, jar, for BlackBerry: jad, cod, cod-1
v 2.1.0 ru – russian language (русский язык), for mobile phones:jad, jar, for BlackBerry: jad, cod, cod-1
* Added features:
v 2.1.0 ru – russian language (русский язык), for mobile phones:jad, jar, for BlackBerry: jad, cod, cod-1
* Added features:
- Gradient for buttons, selected items and menus
- Rounding of corners
- Shading of forms
- Switching between forms by using 7 and 9 keys
- Audio/Video player
- Audio/Video recorder
- Left and Right fast acces menus (L,R). Open by using 1 and 3 keys
- Hold key detection for fast navigation
- Supporting of Back key for Nokia and SonyEricsson phones
- Loading pictures by URL
* Fixed bugs:
- Corrected some colors in color palettes
- Keys assignment for BlackBerry phones
- Traffic overexpenditure in some rare cases

* Added features:
- Animation in up menu and for all image
- Resistive touch screen (touchpad) supporting
- More 30 new avatarts
- Added large smiles
- Backgrounds for rooms and private messages /need in server upgrade
- More 20 colors for messages
- Socket/http autodetection when chat application start first time
- New fast engine for Symbian OS v9.X
- Arabic rotation – correct order of arabic words for Nokia phones
- Arabic style for all windows
- Arabic chat order of avatars, nicks, messages (right to left)
- Downloading graphics and music from server and caching in RMS for traffic reducing
- High speed cache for frequent used images
- Resizing rows in menu and chat for different size of images
* Fixed bugs:
- Correct showing main menu after get connection error
- “capture://image” error in process snapshot under camera of Nokia 5200, 5300,… (S40 3rd edtion)
- Some texts or smiles out of range of private window

v 1.9.2 – 05 Sep, 2009, download jad, jar
* Added features:
* Added features:
- Hint message about ability to change socket to http if get connection error
* Fixed bugs:
- News line duplication
- News line overlapping users online in right top corner
- Removed help message about settings for mobile operators of Gergian country
v 1.9.1 – 29 Aug, 2009, download jad, jar
* Added features:
* Added features:
- Turbo mode (decreased animation, increased speed of screen refreshing for phones with Symbian 9.0+)
- Socket connection (more fast data exchange with servers)
- Server push (for socket connection only)
- Removed progress bar for socket connection
- Animated smiles in news line
- Arabic newsline (autodetect direction and “>”, “<” simbols in beginning for select direction) /need in server upgrade
- Users avatars in news line
- Ability to change color of users nick in chat /need in server upgrade
- List of servers loaded by server push
- Increased file uploading and downloading up to 8MB /need in server upgrade
* Fixed bugs:
- Memory failure on some Nokia phones (added picture caching)
- Delay in case some http errors
v 1.0.5 – 20 Jan, 2007, download jad, jar